Bryan's blog

How Does My Work History Affect My Disability Application?

Submitted by Bryan on

When applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), the first step of the process will be to determine if you are currently eligible for disability benefits due to your illness. There are hundreds of conditions that qualify for disability benefits.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a medical guide, known as the Blue Book, to determine whether or not a condition is severe enough to warrant disability payments.

Top Ways Disability Benefits Can Help You if Approved

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Approximately 24.1 million Americans suffer from a severe disability. From dietary restrictions to assistive technology to chronic pain and hospitalizations, millions of people struggle with the accommodations their disabilities require them to make.

These accommodations are costly emotionally, physically, and financially for all involved, and can be discouraging to deal with.

How Do I Prove To The SSA I Can’t Be Retrained?

Submitted by Bryan on

To be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits, you must prove that you are unable to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA). More specifically, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will want to know that you are unable to earn more than $1,550 per month at any job in which you are “qualified for.”

This means that while your disability may prohibit you from performing at your most recent place of employment, you may have skills that can be used for another job.

Crohn’s & Colitis Awareness Week

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December 1 marks the beginning of Crohn’s & Colitis Awareness Week. The U.S. Senate passed a resolution on November 14, 2011, to help bring about more awareness on the illness. The week of awareness brings together the IBD community in hopes of raising recognition and educating others about IBD. Most hope to someday see a day without their illness.

October: AIDS Awareness Month

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As of 2015, over 36 million people around the world currently live with HIV/AIDS. It is estimated that over a million people die of the disease each year.

Thanks to continuing medical advancements, this mortality rate is no longer on the rise. However, treatments can be costly, and are only available to a little more than half of all people suffering from the disease.

Even still, there is also a large stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS, which can also contribute to people remaining silent about their diagnosis and failing to seek proper treatment.