emm's blog

How Paralyzed Veterans Can Qualify For Disability Benefits

Submitted by emm on

If you’re a military veteran that is now paralyzed and can’t work you may qualify for Social Security disability benefits as well as your VA disability benefits.

Many veterans worry that they will lose their VA benefits if they apply for Social Security disability benefits.

You don’t have to choose one type or benefit or the other. You can receive both VA disability benefits and Social Security disability benefits if you qualify for Social Security disability benefits.

Qualifying For Disability Benefits When Paralyzed

March Is Kidney Cancer Awareness Month

Submitted by emm on

March is kidney cancer awareness month. If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease and now you can’t work because of the cancer or because of the treatment that you need you can apply for Social Security disability benefits.

If you have worked before and you expect that you won’t be able to work for at least a year you are eligible to apply for disability benefits. The money from disability benefits can be used to pay for your living expenses or medical expenses.

February Is Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month

Submitted by emm on

February is gallbladder and bile duct cancer awareness month. If you’ve been diagnosed with gallbladder and bile duct cancer and you can’t work because of it you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits.

Anyone that has worked in the past but can’t work now because of an illness and expects that they won’t be able to work for at least a year can apply for disability benefits.

How Long Does The ALJ Have To Make A Decision?

Submitted by emm on

When you apply for Social Security disability benefits, there is a good chance the Social Security Administration (SSA) will deny your initial claim.

This doesn’t always mean you’ll be unable to collect benefits. After a denial, you can first ask for a reconsideration. If the SSA still denies your claim, you may then appeal the decision.

How Do I Apply for a Compassionate Allowance?

Submitted by emm on

Filing a claim for Social Security disability benefits requires patience, as well as an understanding that the Social Security Administration (SSA) denies a significant number of claims for financial assistance.

Does the excessive wait period apply to applicants that live with the most debilitating medical conditions? For years, the SSA made every applicant wait regardless of the severity of the medical condition. However, the SSA implemented the compassionate allowance program, which fast-tracks claims for disability benefits.