Elizabeth's blog

What Conditions Qualify For Presumptive Disability?

Submitted by Elizabeth on

The Social Security Administration (SSA) awards presumptive disability to those who may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Now, you may be wondering, what exactly is presumptive disability? Presumptive disability are benefits designed to offer financial assistance and support for individuals that, based on the information in their SSI application, the SSA sees as having a high likelihood of ultimately being approved for SSI.

How Many Steps Are There In The Disability Benefits Process?

Submitted by Elizabeth on

There are 5 steps in the Social Security disability benefits determination process for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applications.

It is important to highlight that the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not automatically award disability benefits to an applicant until he or she has met several conditions.

Can You Apply for Disability After Being Denied?

Submitted by Elizabeth on

Did you know that approximately 65 percent of all initial disability applicants are denied by the Social Security Administration (SSA)?

There are several reasons as to why the SSA denies initial disability claims. Some of the most common reasons include the (1) claim having insufficient medical evidence, (2) applicant failing to accumulate 40 work credits throughout a career, and (3) claim revealing that the applicant has not participated in the American workforce for 12 consecutive months.